- KHD Electronics Co., Ltd.
- 2-9 Shodaitajika, Hirakata-City, Osaka 573-1007

- Oct. 1950
- Commenced a research and trial production run for the manufacture of types of vinyl electric wiring at the Keihan Electric Wiring Plant.
- Oct. 1955
- Acquired statutory authorization to manufacture cords and electric insulated wiring for electric purposes.
- Apr. 1956
- Established Keihan Electric Wiring Co., Ltd., with two million yen in capital.
- Oct. 1959
- Vinyl cords for instruments and appliances indicated as being in conformity with Japanese Industrial Standards.
- Nov. 1965
- 600V vinyl electric wiring indicated as being in conformity with Japanese Industrial Standards.
- Nov. 1966
- Received an award from the Osaka City Industrial Management Association in recognition of our status as an exceptionally streamlined company.
- Feb. 1968
- Officially recognized as being in conformity with UL (U.S.) standards.
- Nov. 1972
- Received an award from the head of the Osaka Regional Bureau of International Trade and Industry in recognition of the excellence of our plants in terms of company standardization and quality control.
- Dec. 1975
- Officially recognized as being in conformity with CSA (Canada) standards.
- Apr. 1980
- Coaxial cables for use in television reception indicated as being in conformity with Japanese Industrial Standards.
- Nov. 1983
- Set up a new plant in Chiba. The Chiba Plant indicated as being in conformity with Japanese Industrial Standards.
- Apr. 1987
- Company name changed from Keihan Electric Wiring Co., Ltd., to KHD Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Apr. 1994
- Coaxial cables for use in satellite broadcasts certified as construction-compliant material for the Housing and Urban Development Corporation.
- Jun. 1997
- Acquired ISO 9001 certification (reg. no. JQA-1772).
- Dec. 2001
- Acquired ISO 14001 certification (reg. no. JQA-EM2043).
- Jul. 2003
- Acquired USE-2 (Service Entrance cable)UL certification.
- Sep. 2006
- Acquired H05V2-K, H07V2-K TUV certification.
- Aug. 2007
- Acquired MTW(Machine Tool Wire)UL certification.
- Nov. 2007
- Acquired Subject4703(Photovoltaic Wire)UL certification.